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More green energy - Lifting an Incline Conveyor

Carter Group

As an update on the recent job Carter Plant Hire did for Hartnoll Farms and Business Centre at Tiverton, we have just lifted an Incline Dryer into place. This piece of kit will streamline the operation of getting raw material into the anaerobic digestion (AD) plant that we moved on our last visit.

The onsite anaerobic digestion (AD) plant facilitates the controlled breakdown of organic matter in a large closed dome to produce odour-free biogas and fertiliser. The dried fertiliser pellets are used on the surrounding farmland.

By drying the grain, which is stored outside, before it is used in the AD plant, a more effective fuel can be achieved, making it more efficient. Any excess power generated by the plant can be sold to the National Grid.

Carter Plant Hire was asked to lift the new incline conveyor into place so it can be linked to the AD plant. Spreader beams were used to ensure that the metal sides were protected during the lift.

Spreader beams are often used when lifting caravans for exactly the same reason – to avoid damaging the delicate shell of the mobile home by only lifting the robust chassis and holding the lifting straps away from the sides and top edges.

Follow the link to find out more about sustainability at the Hartnoll Business Centre.

If you would like to get further details on any of the services offered by Carter Plant Hire, please contact us or telephone 01395 446 446.



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Carter Group, Hill Top, Budleigh Hill, East Budleigh, Devon. EX9 7DT. T: 01395 446446,  E:    | wix

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